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Language Disturbances following Traumatic Brain Injury

Friday, March 29, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Mirage Events Center C2

Session Type/Accreditation

Concurrent Symposia Session (CME) - Moderator: Brooke Murtaugh


Agenda Item Image
Dr. Kim Frey
Craig Hospital

Language Disturbances Following Traumatic Brain Injury

11:05 AM - 12:00 PM


Cognitive-communication disturbance following traumatic brain injury has historically been well characterized, along with recommendations for assessment and treatment. Approaches often focus on underlying disorders of attention, memory, and executive functioning and their impact on communication behaviors, especially in the chronic stages of recovery. However, another cognitive domain, core language, is often overlooked, and recommendations for the acute stage of neuro-rehabilitation are lacking, leaving clinicians in the inpatient rehabilitation setting at a loss for what to do. This session will review findings from a 3-year study investigating acute post-traumatic language disturbance (aPTLD) in an inpatient neuro-rehabilitation setting. Incidence of naming disturbance as determined by the Boston Naming Test, characterization of aPTLD relative to aphasia types, and evolution of aPTLD from admission to discharge will be presented.
