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Systematic Family Education following Severe TBI: An Evidence Informed Dynamic Model for Clinical Best Practices

Saturday, March 30, 2024
9:05 AM - 10:05 AM
Mirage Events Center C2

Session Type/Accreditation

Concurrent Symposia Session (CME) - Moderator: Melissa Abate


Agenda Item Image
Dr. Brooke Murtaugh
Madonna Rehabilitation Hospitals

Systematic Family Education Following Severe TBI: An Evidence Informed Dynamic Model for Clinical Best Practices

9:10 AM - 10:05 AM


There is an array of educational material available to families and caregivers of severe brain injury experiencing Disorders of Consciousness (DoC). However, it is difficult to find information that is accurate and easy to navigate. The need for caregivers to prepare for changes in role and caring for their loved one evolves over the course of recovery, but often not fully addressed by their clinical care team. This can lead to added stress, ambiguity and compound trauma for family and caregivers. The American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) Brain Injury Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group: DoC Task Force, Family Education Subcommittee has developed a compendium of shared educational resources that have been developed into a website resource in collaboration with BrainLine.org. The objective of this symposium is to facilitate knowledge translation of this web-based resource to support further dissemination to the family end user experiencing acute and chronic DoC. Utilization of this educational resource, by families, will be dependent on expanding knowledge and collaboration with brain injury medicine professionals across the care continuum for persons experiencing DoC.
